No, Trump is not causing a constitional crisis

No, Trump is not causing a constitional crisis

Since returning to office, President Trump has signed a long list of executive orders, drawing strong reactions from both sides of the political spectrum. Many on the Left worry about the country’s changing direction, while many on the Right praise his speed and commitment to campaign promises.

Some of these orders, however, are now tied up in court, where judges across the country are reviewing them in response to lawsuits from nonprofits, unions, state government officials and more. Trump’s new Justice Department lawyers argue that the Constitution grants him broad executive powers previously held by the legislative or judicial branches.

Watch the video above as Straight Arrow News contributor Ben Weingarten argues that while the executive’s actions to assert control may seem revolutionary, Trump is actually leading a “common-sense counterrevolution.”

The following is an excerpt from the following video

Unfortunately, the courts have perpetuated these problems by insulating the bureaucracy – at the expense not only of the agenda Americans voted for, and of the administration forced to fend off lawfare, but of the legitimacy of the courts and our constitutional order itself. The lawfare has come in the way of a slew of cases brought by administrative staters, and their blue state and “non-governmental” champions aimed at gumming up the president’s efforts.

The arguably frivolous suits wouldn’t be so detrimental if they hadn’t been forum-shopped to some of the nearly 700 district court judges who have chosen to serve as willing accomplices in an effort to thwart the administration, and by extension violate the people’s will. These radicals in robes have operated as if the duly elected president of the United States is their subordinate through first imposing generally unappealable temporary restraining orders, and now in some cases preliminary universal injunctions that halt legitimate presidential actions and policies not just for the benefit of those bringing the cases, but for everyone everywhere.

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